Is It Worth Installing a Water Softener?

Hand pouring a glass of water from tap, blue background.

Know More About Your Water Systems!

A water softener is often mistaken as a water purifier for most people. However, it is not. A water softener installation may not be the right choice for you depending on several factors. It’s important to know what type of water is being distributed in your municipality and what health risks are being imposed to you before making the best decision. Ultimately, anything is better than hard water. In fact, hard water can stain your tubs, cause your skin to be dry and hair to be brittle. The high mineral content in it is actually more readily absorbed through your skin in the shower than by drinking it. That’s why when you are considering a water softener installation consider other places of installation besides your faucets. For other areas in your home, it may even be better to consider Water filtration as an alternate route of water purification.  Although water softeners are a viable option, oftentimes they can be specific to only certain types of contaminants or minerals. However, if you have hard water in your water systems, a water softener is still a viable option as it will protect the occupants from your home from long term exposure to more dangerous minerals. Ultimately, it’s up to you to see what is lurking through your water supply in order to make  the right chose on water purification.

Benefits of a Water Softener

  • Exchanges hard minerals for softer ones
  • Prevents scale build up
  • Easy cleaning of sinks due to reduced soap curd
  • Easy installation
  • Easy maintenance
  • Cleaner & shiner silverware
  • Softer skin, nails, and hair

Benefits of Water Softener Versus Water Filter

Water softeners can get rid of minerals such as Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium, and Limescale and prevent scale build up. However, essentially these minerals are just exchanged for sodium or salt and other impurities are not blocked as is seen in the case of filters. However, a water filter can get rid of those impurities as well as others and ultimately cost about the same price. Through the processes of ion-exchange, micron-filtration, catalytic conversion, reverse osmosis, absorption and oxidation your water can be purified from the smallest particles to the biggest. Filters are the more versatile option that can get rid of both natural to man-made heavy metals or chemicals. Depending on your home, consider your options before making an informed decision.

Is it Safe to Drink Water From a Water Softener?

Water from a water softener is fine to drink over hard water but if you’re someone who is supposed to be on a low sodium diet than it may not be right for you. It may be best to install a filter if ultimately you prefer other contaminants to be removed from your systems.

Water Softener Installation How To

Most water softeners can be placed as an attachment to the mouth of your faucet and don’t require too many tools in setting them up. After connecting certain parts most instructions tell you to make sure your water faucet if turned off and to hook up the device to the mouth. Afterward, you simply turn or hit a few controls to activate the mechanism.

Does a Water Softener Ruin a Water Heater?

Water heaters are built to be very long lasting and normally last for about 10 years. However, as most are made of metal and heat water on a regular basis they will naturally  corrode over time. The solution made to remedy this has been to place anodes inside the heater and these need to be replaced every 6 years. With softened water, you can expect the corrosion to go much more quickly due to the sodium that replaces the minerals in the water. It’s important to check on your water heater regularly as corrosion can cause leaks, rusting and buildup to occur on your unit.

How Much Does it Cost to Have a Water Softener Installed?

Water softener installation costs are dependent on the kit that was chosen as well as the materials that will be required upon installation such as a flux, solders, and brushes. A DIY cost can be about $500 or more and professional water softener installation prices can cost from $800-$3000 depending on how many places you will install the unit, upgraded control options and the size of your home. Installations can cost a fraction of High Point, NC roof installation if you choose cost-effective options.

Women faded in background with focus on her hand holding a glass of water.

Which Water Softener is the Best?

  • Pentair 5600sxt-48k-10 Water Softener (overall)
  • Fleck 5600SXT Iron Pro 2 Water Softener (water with iron)
  • ABCwaters Built Fleck 5600sxt Water Softener (best salt based)
  • Pelican Water Salt-Free Water Softener (best salt free)

Is Getting a Water Softener Worth it?

If it’s about the same price as a filter it may be better to get Water filtration in order to increase health benefits.

Is a Water Softener Really Necessary?

If you have hard water it’s necessary to at least get a water softener if not anything else in order to protect you from health risks due to exposure and regular intake of contaminated water.

If you’d like water softener installation in Hendersonville, Mills River and Asheville, NC call 828-778-2425 with All About Plumbing & Septic!